Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This gives me my baby fix. Ah, they grow up so fast. He's 8 days old. He's spoiled rotten.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I had to work on the baby pen to keep them in, they jump very high for being so small. 

Jasper is as big as Josh with longer legs. He has a spot on his side that looks like a clubs from a deck of cards. He's 5 days old.

Very pretty but over it.

This is Jasper at 2 days old. Lewis and Clark at 2 weeks old. Jasper will be my breeding buck, Lewis and Clark will be sold as breeding bucks. All the parents were beautiful. L & C have springs for legs and are into everything. Jasper is my shadow. I've never taken care of kids so young, fun to watch them  do new things. Jasper wobbles and falls a lot just like Bambi did in the movie.

Jasper and Lewis are Alpine and Clark is a Sable.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

She does love the goats even though she can't sleep with them right now, she sleep facing them from the other side of the fence. She barked at a possium who got to close to the fence the other day. I finally went over and chased it off, it seemed to know she could get any closer.

Pearl loves to play around and knows how to show off for the camera. She can strike a pose. Let's vogue. And then here comes her brother with a little more style.

Lily has horns, Pasty does not. Dad and I bought them from A Peculiar Farm. They had full size fainting goats with two babies. They had the same problem with their 10 week old Pyrenees pup, he got to rough, both it's legs were bandage, fainters and puppies are a bad combo. Any way Lily is due first of March, not sure about Pasty maybe late March. They rode together in the back of the Element just like everybody else. Pasty is very shy and Lily is everything but shy and has lots of attitude.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

They love to play queen of the mountain. Guess who wins the big girl Nelda. She's seems to be showing, she due in April.